Monday 28 October 2013

Day 2 reflection by Yixuan:
Today we went to the 明孝陵景区. We saw many soldiers carved out from stone. Our tour guide said these stone figures were used to guard the emperor's grave. She also mentioned that these stones were brought in from places more than 300km away from Nan Jing hundreds of years ago(without technological help). I think that the people of Nan Jing then were very smart as they poured a layer of water on wooden logs on the ground (in winter), thus allowing the water to freeze. This layer of ice helped the ancient people move the many stones easily.
After lunch, we went to the 孙中山 mausoleum. We had to climb up a huge flight of stairs to the top. However, our efforts to climb up those flights of stairs were rewarded by the beautiful scenery from above. We were not allowed to take photos in the mausoleum but we would always remember the huge statue of  Dr. Sun Yat Sen. After the Sun Yat Sen mausoleum visit, we took the train to the nearby无粱殿 to see wax figures. After that we had a sumptuous dinner.

Day 2 Reflection by Nicole Wong Wen Wei

我们今天去了很多地方,让我们都获益不浅,受益良多. 我们先去明孝陵景区. 这是朱元璋的陵园!穿过郁郁葱葱的树林,游览了一些古代风格的建筑. 吃了午餐后,我们去中山陵园,在入口处的牌坊上赫然写者博爱二字.这体现了他的政治理念.我们一边爬阶梯一边欣赏沿途的风景.最后瞻仰了孙先生雕.这些地方都代表了这些人对中国不顾一切地牺牲.我觉得南京很多地方都充满浓郁的历史气息.果然是名副其实的六朝古都”.

Day 1: Reflection by Nadiah and Vivien : Yang Zi River Bridge and President Palace

Day 1 reflection by Nadiah:
As today was the first day of the trip, I had a mixture of emotions. I was pretty excited of the experience that I would have gained from this trip. It was really an exciting first experience as the flight was different from what I usually take. The food was also different, and Nanjing's speciality is the Salted Duck. It's actually quite exciting that the Chinese have it for every SINGLE meal. WOW! However, it really is quite sad that I did not get to eat much from what I usually eat! So is the toilet though ;( The really very different. The excursion was exciting and full of interesting experiences! The tour guide was really efficient in providing the knowledge of the history of China. The story of the bridge of Nanjing was really touching. This provided a learning platform for me as the people then was very patriotic, they sacrificed so much just for the reputation of China. One thing very unique in Nanjing is the painting in the crystal ball, it was really a piece of art. In conclusion, the first day in Nanjing was really a very good experience. Looking forward to the rest of the trip...

Day 1 reflection by Vivien:
南京之旅又好玩又有趣,可是在飞机上,有些人睡不着因为他们觉得太紧张. 落机的时候,我感觉到很冷因为在南京是秋天.首先,我们去博物馆多了解中国历史.我买了很多种不一样的礼物送给亲朋好友.今天我学到很多东西比如新加坡和中国有不一样的文化,不同食物,过马路的方法也不一样.我很期待遇到在中国的朋友,希望他们会有和我有相同的兴趣.我现在还在慢慢在中国适应.
我们参观了南京长江大桥,也名为争气桥,因为面对那么庞大的困难却不退缩,为中国人争了一口气这座大桥所有的资金是全世界的华人一起有钱出钱,有力出力.这座大桥也是当时世界上最长 的桥,长达 五公里左右.最后我们也参观了总统府.