Thursday 7 November 2013

Day10 :Reflection By Xin Hui and Jia Min: Yu Hua Stone Science museum

Day 10

Today, we visited the Yu Hua Stone Science museum. The Yu Hua Stone is very pretty and it is the local products. The guide told us about the history and how it came about. After that, we attended the class's so called LCE lesson. My buddy's class teacher talked about target setting because they will be having a national examination in June. Some of the students aim really high because they can make it. After that, they talked about graduation which is pretty sad because they are going to split into different schools after the national exams. If it was me, I will be very sad about it.

又是新的一天,离回新加坡的时间越来越近了。。。我特别喜欢到虹苑中学去,因为能和同伴(Buddy) 和班上的同学们在一起。今天是星期一,所以特别早起准备要去上学,但万万没想到老师竟然捉我去看医生,气死我了! 我原本还想利用最后的2,3天和班上的同学们一起过完我在南京的交流,但结果是到了医院 :( 虽然我知道老师是为我好,但是我真的好想去上学。到了医院后, 我竟然没想到中国医院的服务特别的快!不像新加坡,服务超慢的,甚至能等上半小时,但中国医院只需要等最多15分钟罢了! 我的膝盖包扎到有点难走路,感觉好像有人拉住我的膝盖一样。看完医生后,我回到学校。算老师对我蛮好,让我去上了一节课:D 上完后,没想到我又再次去医院,幸好我没什么事。因我再次去了医院, 才没到雨花石科普馆,亏我还蛮期待想到科普馆去的。。。不过算了,原本还有多一节的LCE,能和班在一起,我都没得上,很可惜! :( 不过,老师给了我们惊喜,都是因老师们的努力和劳力, 我们换了一间更好的酒店! 那个酒店的房间好大!也好干净!非常的舒服。我非常感谢老师们对我的照顾,关怀,还不眠不休的帮助我们,虽然他们自己都病倒了,但还是一直很关心我们! :D

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